Unguja or Zanzibar, Tanzania

1,666 km²; Peak Season→July - September

Like spicy food?? Here you can merge different kind of spices while watching the biggest BAT in THE WORLD…size of a Batman!
  • The main island in the Tanzanian archipelago

  • In the Indian Ocean, 25 km/16 mi–50 km/31 mi off the Tanzania’s coast and further South is Mafia Island

  • Major religion is Islam (about 99%)

  • Whisk of exotic beaches

  • Famous spice plantations of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and black pepper 

  • Wildlife spotting – Pemba flying fox (world’s largest bat species), Zanzibar servaline genet, Zanzibar leopard, Mozambique cobras, tortoises, red colobus monkey, green turtle, bush crabs, mangrove kingfishers, and more…

  • The Rock restaurant – one of the weirdest restaurants on Earth; built in the Indian ocean on top of a massive rock that was used as a fisherman’s post before. No need for a boat can reach it by foot at least during the low tide

  • Ocean Safari 

                  • An old trade center

                  • Population of 1.3 million people

                  • Freddie Mercury was born here

                  • Official languages: Swahili, ‎Arabic‎, ‎English ; Basics : Italian, French

                  • Good to visit: June – September


458.4 km²; Peak Season→July - August and December

How romantic it is ? is it because of never-inhabited coralline islets or its tropical surroundings…at least there are must be coconuts shape of a heart
  • An archipelago in the Indian Ocean 

  • Top Romantic places in the world

  • Part of Africa regarding to politics and the nation

  • Coast of East Africa

  • 115 islands is a mix of populated ports

                  • Hiking trails 

                  • Have never-inhabited coralline islets

                  • Rare animals 

                  • Languages : Seselwa/Creole, English, French(official)

                  • Good to visit: November and April 


587,041 km²; Peak Season→July - August

How fun is it to live in 2nd world’s largest island country? Tropical sunsets through unreal baobab trees, chilling with lemurs like a typical Monday, and counting butterflies…
  • Southeast coast of Africa, nearby to Mozambique to the west 

  • Home of very unique animal species and flora and fauna 

  • 800 species of butterflies and 40 species of lemurs

  • All species of lemur originated in Madagascar

  • Lemur is the sacred animal

  • Leading global producer of vanilla 

  • Place of colourful chameleons, stunning orchids

  • Towering baobab trees

  • 250 miles off the coast of Africa, Mozambique Channel

                  • The world’s second-largest island country after Indonesia

                  • The oldest Island 

                  • Largely depend on foreign aid –one of the world’s impoverished countries  

                  • Strong human rights protections

                  • The French colony in the past ( 1896)

                  • French is a second language

                  • Used to be a popular pit-stop for Pirates 

                  • Languages:Malagasy, French (official)

                  • Good to visit: April- November