jam-packed with stunned-eyes and fear...



Danger Level:  10/10 ( 10 out of 10… for 2022/2024)

Best time (weather-wise):  April – October 


Second-largest country in Europe (after Russia that has cities on European and on Asian side of the globe) bordered by Belarus on the north, Russia on the north east and south east; Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary on the west; Romania, Moldova on the south west. Ukraine is the largest producer of sunflower seeds, sugar beets, and more… has natural gas, oil, coal, iron ore, salt manganese and other important resources. Country was known for its abundant reserved of coal.

Good news:

  • gorgeous large landscape 
  • historic monuments 
  • historically blended country of multiple events
  • tasty cultural food 


Bad news:

  • long lasting conflict and now armed conflict with Russia  (armed conflict since February 2022)
  • remains highly dangerous
  • ongoing violence and security threats with large crowds (violence from locals) 
  • high threat to civilians and civilian infrastructure
  • risk of kidnapping and high crime rate (including locals)
  • doubting information form the local media  
  • (On 2023)very unstable security situation
  • high threat to Ukraine’s active nuclear power plants
  • missile strikes and attacks are ongoing across the country, including in major cities



Danger Level:  10/10 ( 10 out of 10…especially for 2021)

Best time (weather-wise):  April – May and September – October 


South Asian country bordered by Iran on the west, Pakistan on the east and south, and more neighbours on the north – Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China. Officially is the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Good news:

  • gorgeous landscape of snow-capped peaks and sweeping valleys
  • historic monuments 
  • traditional islamic architectural style
  • historically blended country of multiple events (including the silk road)
  • country of pomegranates
  • collectivistic culture(strong sense of personal honour)

Bad news:

  • armed conflict with Taliban who control many territories in Afghanistan (September 2021)
  • remains highly dangerous
  • ongoing violence and security threats with large crowds
  • high threat of terrorist attack
  • risk of kidnapping and high crime rate
  • (On 2021)very unstable security situation. High risk of terrorist attack 



Danger Level: 10/10 (2024)  

Best time (weather-wise, dah): October – May. 

the hottest months are July and August 


The name “Palestine” apparently was given by Greek writers who knew the tribes or nation that called as Philistines in 12th century BCE: Philistia, land of the Philistines that lived there in the southern coast. Located in the eastern Mediterranean region, sharing parts of modern Israel: Gaza Strip (along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea) and the West Bank (located west of the Jordan River).


So here you go: Jordan river on the east (state is bounded by it) Palestine  bordering Israel (on the north and the south and the west) and Lebanon (on the north), also not forgetting the part that borders Mediterranean Sea on the west (the coast of Gaza), and that Gaza strip is sharing a border with the Israel’s desert region on the south (Negev), plus need to count the Gulf of Aqaba as the southernmost point of Palestine.


No wonder, with all that puzzle-like territorial parts, after all this state is one of the oldest states in the world that carrying strategic point (teritorry-wise) having the main roads going form Egypt to Syria and from Mediterranean to the hills passing the Jordan River. Oh yeah, perfect spot for trading. 


The country, which earned its status as a State of Palestine and recognised as a sovereign state by 145 of the 193 member states of the UN in 2024 year, for many many years was associated controversially as a small region of Israel or Jordan or Egypt (East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, were administered from 1948 till 1967 by Jordan and Egypt). So never had this own identity worldwide in 20s century. Status (political) and area’s size of Palestinian territory was changing over three millennia.  As known as the Holy Land that held a sacred meaning for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. In 20th century this dispute among religious groups pulled more of conflicting claims (mostly regarding  Jewish and Arab national movements) — all led to snowball more issues between nations and therefore its hard to get back to the 1st root of this dispute and now what are the chances that this war will end soon and will it ever, what would be the outcomes?


Well, let see how it goes… 


Good news:

  • one of the oldest civilizations in the world
  • The oldest Holy sites (the Abraham mosque or the Ibrahimi mosque)
  • Paradise gardens — The Garden of Gethsemane (the foot of the Mount of Olives,  where, as it said, Jesus  prayed before being arrested and taken for crucifixion) more
  •  Church of the Nativity 
  • terrace system is in the village of Battir (UNESCO)
  • Jerusalem (UNESCO), Bethlehem(architecture and designs made by Bethlehem’s inhabitants from hundreds and hundreds years), Hebron and Nablus (similar to Damascus)


Bad news:

  • threat of terrorism
  • civil unrest
  • kidnapping
  • active armed conflict since.. well here I would not be so exact and would leave it to those who lived in Palestine and near by countries
  • no part of Palestine is secure and 100% safe from the armed conflict/war that is ongoing with Israel 


Danger Level: 9/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): September – November, March – May

Western Asia’s country, Syrian Arab Republic, capital of the country Damascus – the world’s oldest continually inhabited city, Arab world’s centre for cultural and artistic innovation. Syria on the southwest bordering with Lebanon , have Mediterranean Sea on the west, neighbouring to Turkey (north), Iraq (east), Jordan (south), and Israel (southwest)

Good news:

  • diverse ethnic and religious groups
  • one of the oldest civilizations in the world


Bad news:

  • terrorism
  • civil unrest
  • kidnapping
  • active armed conflict since 2011
  • no part of Syria is secure and 100% safe from the violence 


Danger Level: 8/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise):  April – May and  from September – November

Western Asia’s country, officially republic of Iraq, Ottoman Empire region. Neighbouring countries – Turkey (north), Syria (west), Iran (east), Saudi Arabia (south), Kuwait (southeast), Jordan (southwest) 

Good news:

  • diverse ethnic groups
  • very long and rich heritage
  • home of world-class poets, architects, painters and sculptors
  • fine handicrafts -rugs and carpets 


Bad news:

  • very high risk of violence
  • armed conflict
  • kidnapping and terrorist attack


Danger Level: 9/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): October – April

Western Asia’s country, southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. First was well-known for two luxury items – Frankincense and myrrh and nowadays its more about crude oil and coffee. It shares maritime boarders with Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia. Neighbouring Saudi Arabia on the north and Oman on the northeast

Good news:

  • one of the oldest civilization on Earth
  • world’s oldest skyscraper city
  • unique culturally-rich country
  • primarily founded by the Yemenite Jews
  • was known as the “Happy Land”
  • There are safe areas to travel – Al Mahrah Governorate, Wadi Dawan (Wadi Doan), Hadhramaut Valley, Socotra

Bad news:

  • high level of violence
  • armed conflict 
  • air strikes
  • very high risk of kidnapping



Danger Level: 7/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): December – April

North America’s country, bordered to the United States on the North, Guatemala and Belize on the southeast. Having the Pacific ocean on the west, Caribbean Sea on the southeast, and plus the Gulf of Mexico on the east, and well…Mexico is the 3rd largest country in Latin America after Brazil and Argentina

Good news:

  • amazing beaches
  • ancient ruins (Mayan temples), and colonial architecture
  • unique and alluring culture
  • dynamic cities brimming 
  • festivals (the ‘day of the dead’)
  • famous cuisine 
  • country’s most safest cities – Tulum, Cancun, Sayulita, San Miguel de Allende, Huatulco, Mexico City (downtown))

Bad news:

  • violent and non-violent crime
  • human trafficking
  • drug trades
  • rape, homicides, and kidnapping
  • home of the world’s most dangerous cities – Tijuana, Acapulco, Ciudad Victoria, Cuidad Juarez, Tepic, Irapuato, Mazatlan, Reynosa, Culiacán)



Danger Level: 8/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): December – March

South America’s country that bounded on the north by the Caribbean Sea, neighbour to Venezuela, Brazil. Well-known for its diverse landscapes, culturally rich heritage, delicious cuisine and coffee of course!

Good news:

  • energetic cities
  • amazing endangered wildlife
  • Caribbean coastline
  • rainforest
  • unique ecosystems
  • the Andes mountain range
  • many outside activities (kayaking, rafting, rock climbing, paragliding, surfing, diving)
  • was ranked as one of the happiest countries worldwide…

Bad news:

  • drug violence
  • civil unrest
  • risk of terrorism 
  • kidnapping
  • most dangerous cities – Caracas, Ciudad Bolivar, Ciudad Guayana


Danger Level: 8/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): November – April

South America’s country, having the Caribbean Sea on the north, Andean mountain chains, the world’s tallest waterfall – Angel Falls (979 m/3,212 ft)

Good news:

  • the largest lake in South America – Lake Maracaibo
  • the world’s highest waterfall – Angel Falls
  • Los Roques Archipelago


  • Isla de Margarita
  • Morrocoy National Park and Canaima National Park
  • colonial town of Mérida


Bad news:

  • poverty
  • poor law 
  • capital city of Caracas has been named the most dangerous capital city (2017)
  • Ciudad Bolivar and Ciudad Guayana
  • need armoured vehicles when you there
  • civil unrest, rape, murder, kidnapping,  and sexual assault 
  • poor health infrastructure


Danger Level: 7/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): November – March

The largest country in both South America and Latin America, bordering with almost all the countries of the South American continent except Chile and Ecuador. Home of iconic carnival festival, tropical beaches, exquisite waterfalls, and the Amazon rainforest.

Good news:

  • the largest country in South America
  • name of the country comes from a tree – brazilwood
  • the only country in South America that speaks Portuguese
  • has the largest city in the southern hemisphere – Sao Paulo
  • has more animal and plant species than any other country on entire planet


Bad news:

  • robberies, muggings, kidnappings and gang violence – common crimes
  • homicides
  • police brutality
  • corruption 
  • dangerous cities – Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Natal



Republic of South Africa

Danger Level: 7/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): May – September or November – March

Southernmost tip of Africa, neighbouring with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Eswatini. Have Kruger National Park, the Garden Route lagoons, beaches on the west,  Stellenbosch and Paarl winelands, the Cape of Good Hope cliffs, and one of the world’s best cities Cape Town. Johannesburg is the largest city of RSA, financial hub for the whole African continent, developed by the gold and diamond  industries situated on a mineral-rich city spots. 

Good news:

  • once was called the 5th most beautiful country worldwide
  • Cape Town – considered as the world’s best city to visit
  • armoured vehicle or large group can keep you safe

Bad news:

  • most dangerous cities in the country (especially at night) – Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town 
  • walking at night is not safe even in groups
  • armed robberies
  • gang violence
  • homicides 


Danger Level: 9/10 (2024)

Best time (weather-wise): September – November and March – May

The country located in North Africa in the Maghreb region. Sharing it’s boarders with Chad on the south, Egypt on the east, Sudan on the southeast, Niger on the southwest, Algeria on the west, and Tunisia on the northwest. Petroleum sector is the most important (most of export earnings and GDP comes and depends from petroleum sales)

Good news:

  • 4th largest country in Africa by land area
  • the richest African-Arab country
  • the largest oil reserves in Africa (world’s 9th largest)
  • mostly desert and oil-rich country 
  • known for the 42-year rule of the mercurial Colonel Muammar Gaddafi 
  • had only one king in its lifetime
  • Muslim nation that possesses a rich Christian history

Bad news:

  • current armed conflict 
  • high threat of terrorist attack
  • civil unrest
  • kidnapping

To be Continued... unfortunately