• DO NOT engage in any criminal activity* (Murder, human trafficking, any drug related offences)
  • DO NOT expect a big breakfast
  • DO NOT forget that cars may not stop at pedestrian crossings
  • DO NOT think of bicycle lane only for bicycles 
  • DO NOT ignore complimenting others before asking for a favour 


  • DO NOT expect to reach out to officials via online as well as have businesses completely online* 


  • DO NOT expect an immediate reply to your enquires 


  • DO NOT assume all the stores to be open on Sundays
  • DO NOT come empty-handed to someone’s house/party
  • DO NOT make slurping noises 
  • DO NOT ignore the table manners*
  • DO NOT offend the host by not finishing your plate


  • DO NOT spitting in the street
  • DO NOT yawning mouth wide open
  • DO NOT sneezing loudly


*Most common crimes – vandalism and theft

*Usual practice is to call or send an envelope via post instead of using an email 

*Hands should always be visible meanwhile elbows should be hidden 

Germany - DO NOT...

  • DO NOT engage in any criminal activity* (Murder, human trafficking, any drug related offences)
  • DO NOT use the Nazi Salute gesture 


  • DO NOT jaywalk
  • DO NOT walk on the bicycle lane
  • DO NOT discuss about the World Wars


  • DO NOT chew gum while talking
  • DO NOT enter someone’s house with shoes on
  • DO NOT ignore “be on time” rule 


  • DO NOT ignore to look in the eyes when greet somebody
  • DO NOT forget to use title and last name to address people
  • DO NOT run out of fuel on the Autobahn
  • DO NOT tune the piano at midnight
  • DO NOT forget to sort the trash – general waste/recycling/ glass/ wood and for forth 
  • DO NOT swearing at the police – could cost you 600 Euros fine (depends on your income) 


*Most common crimes – theft, fraud, and street crime  (vandalism).

Switzerland - DO NOT...

  • DO NOT engage in any criminal activity* (Murder, human trafficking, any drug related offences)
  • DO NOT being careless about pickpocketing gangs
  • DO NOT breaking eye contact while handshake somebody
  • DO NOT sleeping in a car on a parking 
  • DO NOT recycle on Sundays
  • DO NOT make a noise or have a party after 8 or 10 pm to 6 or 7 am
  • DO NOT ignore “be on time” rule*


  • DO NOT drinking without a toast
  • DO NOT come empty-handed to someone’s house/party


  • DO NOT invading someone’s personal space
  • DO NOT bringing certain products with you from other countries*


*Most common crimes – theft and criminal damage.

*Alcoholic beverages, All products containing the biocide dimethylfumarate (DMF), Animals and animal origin products from third countries (non-EU member states & Norway), Coffee, Oil products, Plants.

Norway - DO NOT...

  • DO NOT engage in any criminal activity* (Murder, human trafficking, any drug related offences)
  • DO NOT expect to buy beer or strong alcohol in the supermarket at any time and day*


  • DO NOT comment negative about the King of Norway
  • DO NOT compare the country out loud with others, especially with Sweden   
  • DO NOT get a taxi without checking their budget first


  • DO NOT on a weekday drink in public
  • DO NOT ignore the rule “eat at burger places and pølse (hot dog) stands”


  • DO NOT expect everyone speaks English 
  • DO NOT use big bank notes when trying to buy a train ticket* 
  • DO NOT forget that there are many places that only accept kort (card) and not kontant (cash)


*Most common crimes – theft, burglary, and robbery.

*Alcohol is sold at certain hours and certain days – Monday – Wednesday (10am to 5pm) and Thursday-Friday (10am to 6pm), Saturdays (10am to 3pm), closed on Sundays.

*Safe and clean taxi isn’t cheap. Locals rarely taking a cab. The cost can vary depending on type of taxi company you are using and which city you are in. Therefore, the cost of the taxi from the Gardermoen airport to Oslo will be about $60 to $150.

* Many train ticket vendors accept bank bills up to 500 kr($50) but if you have only big bank notes then you should buy a ticket on board by choosing the wagon with a conductor (marked wagons). This will cost you about 25% more so its better to use coins or card.


  • DO NOT engage in any criminal activity* (Murder, human trafficking, any drug related offences)
  • DO NOT talk about the money


  • DO NOT talk about religion (religion should remain personal)
  • DO NOT compare with other countries, especially with Scandinavian  


  • DO NOT offend, whistle, or just gaze in a lascivious way at the opposite sex  
  • DO NOT smoke weed
  • DO NOT think of sex as something shameful (sex is openly discussed)


*Most common crimes – theft, burglary, and robbery