There are more smaller Islands on the Eastern side of Russia, some of them are still causing many disputes: Russia vs Japan over Sakhalin and Kuril Islands…from 18th century: 1786 Kuril archipelago was claimed by Russian Empire, then by the treaty of Shimoda in 1855 Japan took Southern islands of Kuril; then in 1875 the deal was signed by two sides — Sakhalin goes to Russia and all Kuril Islands goes to Japan; then in 1905 after Russo-Japanese War by the Portsmouth peace treaty Japan won and could took a south part of the Sakhalin Island; in 1945 ending the WWII Japan surrendered and Sakhalin with Kuril Islands returned back to USSR; then 1956… and 1960…and 1993…and 2013..and 2017…and still ongoing.
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