15 Dec New weapons, new deal
Win-win or one for "Shotgun"
In UNCS, normal day…
Russia… Ukraine… USA…. China… Israel… Iran…Houthis…Hamas…Hezbollah,…and more on the list who bent their heads over the “peace talk” deal — for a bit tho.
What could change the game? What could shuffle the cards and turn everything upside down? Um, let say the time could do so, but surely, in here Im talking more about the one more shocking way of tweaking the ‘match’ — sudden warfare leaves others with a sheepish look.
Yeah, must say with time players change: started by two but stretch on whoever is bordering ’em, on whoever is trading with ’em, on whoever is religiously bundle with ’em,… All brings more an ‘upgrade’ on the battle field; camouflaged figures and heavy tools. No wonder many ‘outsiders’ — those who are lucky to stay out of ‘doubt’ — prefer to wait till they can reekley impose their view or views on the conflict and on what side they really are; Whoever trade with Israel do not wish to talk about events in Gaza; Partnering with Russia prefer to stay out of European warmonger rhetoric; Neighbouring Iran? Pff, well, try to stay neutral…
New tools? What exactly am I talking about?
Not sticks and stones, as Einstein prescribed in a future after WW3, but the high tech devices, automatic weapons, the big concern regarding electronic warfare; kamikazes drones that can destroy military base. Whatever can impress the militants on the field;
Are we talking about stealthy silent brand-new systems like some say about Israeli sudmarines (IDF’s Dolphin-class Submarines), or smashing power at the light-speed like many say about Russian Oreshnik?:
New riffles, bombs, drones, missiles (hypersonic ones) , um…solders?
- Riffles
Riffles riffles riffles and machine guns — all kind with an advanced optic, ballistics calculator, built-in range-finding module. The United States riffles take a leading role among others.
- Oreshnik (Орешник). First use: 21 November 2024
A recent the Nutcracker or Rainofnuts or what was that??…
The new weapon as “Oreshnik” slammed everyone and Russians as well in its capacity and how powerful it looked like…er in a bits of a sec.
Ballistic missile. Experts call on it as a modified version of PC-26 Rubej. Ok, maybe. A jaw dropping effect tells how successful they are with that ‘modification’.
- Fattah-1 drones, and “hypersonic” missile (Iran)
- The Iron Dome SystemI(Israel)
- IDF’s Dolphin-class Submarines(Israel)
And way more, if to start going into more details about it.
All those tools was was once purposely created for ‘defence’ AND now carry on more offensive role. Heavy long-range missiles then to question who would be restrained to use their weighty weapons: Those who has a lot of them or those who has nothing to lose?
I would surely lean on the second one.
To cool things down
Riffle were loaded, missiles were launched, drones were set. SO Is it even possible to cool things down now? As they say, there are thousands ways, a hundred plans (Chinese idiom), but as life shows the one thing that really cools things down is time, to be frank, the fatigue from the War itself: from this exhausting ‘pushi’ narratives coming from the media — democracy and human rights; from this blaming one another rhetoric; from that rising cost on basic goods; from non-stop fear to lose more or ‘foolishly’ face the missile strike…
Call of duty
There are more ticks for ‘call of duty’ scenes — to start the war on one another: stocking more resources, gain money arming others, do black market. In other words, it’s easy to start the War than to flex the length of the conflict — postponing any peace talk and waiting for the right time.
The right time for SHOTGUN
To have the ball on your side — have a shotgun position at the round table. Huh, thats surely the case! Who would wish to go on the meeting poorly ‘equiped’ or humbly ‘advanced’ on the matter, basically simply putting, have no power to praise your ideas, persuade your right, and just be heard. Whereas with a few Aces the game would take a much smoother turn for you: your word would weight even against the ‘royal flash’ when at showdown. How long those “Aces” would last before turning to the round tables is another story: Would you have a better hand tomo or would you lose it all if you wait ? Many prefer to wait and learning the phrase ‘Forge iron while it’s hot’ *.
Unless you have, your country has an extra plan with the brand-new military tool.
Ok I lost the track of my thought…A bit …a bit.
Listing the brand-new warfare, I thought to mention the nick by what those fresh tools are risking.
*Forge iron while it’s hot’ ( Russian Idiom) or ‘Strike while the iron is hot’ (English idiom ).
*lend-lease — to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed “vital to the defence”. Basically, you pay to use equipment without owning it, typically for a fixed term . Term was brought by the US.
Gunrunnign, land-lease, nuke doctrine,...
Out of a blue shay away those terms…Nah, all of them make so much sense when talking about warfare. Well the first, the gunrunning is quite known and simple to understand — illegal re-sell option. Yes illegal but so far its usually tolerated as it hard to control once the guns landed at the war zone. Sadly, a normal practice now, listed in a real risks section; to have your exported warfare re-sold to a third party, and thats another story to talk about.
For more official records, guns could be either bought or leased* if we are talking in huge amount and handing in quick. The brand-new defence tool are rarely would be traded till they would lap a few years in use.
Logic here : you would never sell something that was just updated for your defence. Sell it when you start producing it in large amount and also know how to destroy it, in case of.. um facing it yourself.
New Weapons new Game
Nukes or no-nukes: NEW weapons …er, on someones’ field
You know how they say : new tools –new game. Basically thats about it, the key of an upgrade that nowadays looked for.
In any case, even if you are a guru in military engineering, you still wont tell much clue — in precise detail of domino effect — how catastrophic it would be after pushing the red button, whether talking about nukes or other heavy missiles. In case of nukes, the scale of its after-effect is very debated, and in some even avoided: ‘we are out of it, its their problem’. Might hear this from Australian folks or South Americans. But whenever this “fat man”* descendant set off, all on this planet would sense it, more precisely suffer from the outcome; climate would change, poison water, pollute atmosphere, kick off more earthquakes. SO quietly staying away — waiting when its done — is not the cleverest way to do.
Up-to-date naval weapons systems, very tech advance detection capabilities, and blah blah.Funny to say, the use of those up-to-date tools are usually lacking the skilful user , those who would be behind it with the remote control or holding the wheel.
‘Its not firing!’, ‘ How this shit cost so mush!’. ‘ Eff that, too many buttons and no use!‘ — beaten phrases of those users. Putting it simpler, giving an iPhone to your grandma is more likely pointless — all function would not be used in full, no offence to privilege group 😉
Also there must be an ‘down side(s)’ to any system ; If its light-weight then its easy to break; if its long-rage weapon than it should have a big complicated system to support it ( mechanically speaking), and so forth. In every flawless object there will be the Achilles’ spot. Well, sure, not saying anything new here.
Pin points for 2025
- USA withdrawals from the Middle East
- Avoidance of involvement in new foreign wars for USA, China, Russia,…
- Withdrawal for the nuclear deal with Iran for USA
- More energy independence. This one more for USA, Europe.
- Starkly to limit the support of the North Atlantic treaty organisation for USA
In project 2025 there are more likely to be another show of new weapons, but where it’s still unknown. To wrap it off, if something was made then it will be used somewhen, the only questions are when it will happen and how it would solve or escalate the conflict.
Surely when it comes to a new-brand weapon there is the rule of secret-keeping warfare and therefore it would be kept for the right time.
But the main question is still stands up : What would really pull back one another, when it comes to tit-for-tat launching new weapons?
An Article 5 ? The rule that even a gondolier in Venice is now aware of… just saying.
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