new breath of traditions

Unfortunate circumstances have caused the military conflict in Ukraine, which gave rise to a distinctive tradition that is associated primarily with Russia’s culture, Christianity, and country’s long and outstandingly revolting history. Basically, all that is happening now between Russia and Western countries is continually spurring the national celebrations across the globe; the number of military events steadily increased, historical inheritance (facts, stories, artefacts) day-by-day earning more public attentigrton, different generations are now clThdfosely keeping eye on the country’s economy, new alliances, military affairs, younger populating taking part in the military parades( on the Victory Day – 9th of May)… This year, indeed, less military machines and no air show as it was years before. The reason is known – for 2023 year the military conflict is ongoing – but it is still give a slight chance for those who dislike Russia to gossip about the military parade, which would seem to them as a meaningless show of non-stop marches with aggressive posturing. For you to decide what you think about it, but such event is a heritage – cannot be questioned –  with its big importance that survived through decades and unites all generations.

Military parade for May 9th on the Red Square. Same procession happens across the country in big cities. 

Starting from the kindergarten to the state and non-state enterprises, today many do participate in cultivation, thus appreciation of country’s traditions, celebrate memorable dates in more advanced and diversified form raising public awareness for many generations ahead. That’s amazing!…And unexpected since I was born in USSR and back then in 90s the matter of traditions during constant political and economical reforms, hailing western lifestyle, dreaming of life abroad (you should have seen women hunting for foreign men to marry – perhaps, stereotype of ‘Russian women are gold diggers’ came along), highly valuing foreign (western) citizenship (event cinematograph were imposing certain distorting propaganda) – all was driving an idea of obtaining this new ‘more civilised’ (as they say) culture, leaving this unfavourable own county’s culture to old population…No wonder, the past nation achievements were swiftly vanishing; once respected is now barely known, losing the meaning behind it. That was a pitiful period. Pffft, this days are gone, and hopefully will never come again… at least for the next 100 years. 

The Victory Day (over the Third Reich in 1945 on 9th of May) in Russia is yet attracts more city dwellers than any other day, bringing attention of those masses to whom any tradition and memorable dates seen as just a coloured number on the calendar, reason to skip work or school. This is ironic – nothing unites more than mutual crisis that happens in every house of your neighbourhood. Since the ‘special operation’ or  ‘Russian invasion’ (as Western countries state) started the Russian population were smitten by the inconsistent debates- what is happening? To who we should believe? What to do with our lives now as most of our daily-routine tools are now banned? And how to travel abroad for whatever purpose?

This is obviously simple but crucial things that concern us all; What should I do when my favourite product is out of the store?…First, of course, I’d look for someone to answer me “why is it gone?”. Maybe, in your case, you would rather go for an alternative right away, to care less what happened with one you liked before. But what if it happened with more than one of your daily used products or suddenly you can’t go to where you used to and so forth. Then, I bet, you would question. The same here, people wanted to hear what is happening now after just taking the masks off, freeing themselves from the COVID19 pandemic. Yeah, many said that the military conflict was one of the ways to stop this viral pandemic…irresistible sarcasm. 


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