Facing off the tech world: Epidemic of lonely

"lonely wolf" Lifestyle

Touching many countries and especially the Eastern Hemisphere … Asian part of the world.

What would you say if you randomly stab upon this kind of picture: Japanese man… marrying a doll? Nah, not a flawless skin, million layers make-up, tiny girl, but THE DOLL, real doll made of plastic! Shocking, jaw dropping, eyebrows flacking and more wrinklyyyish mimic. This kind of things are truly out of this planet — to call it an absurd would be a tip of an iceberg of this whole nonsense…

What’s next? Virtual kids and opening the virtual kindergartens? How fun to see it someday, eventho with time it would be seen as normal, like with phones that few decades ago were thought of smth alined with… um, aliens, smth outside of this world — mysterious , impossible to explain, but very tempting to face off. Thinking to have a multifunctional devise that in instance bring you closer to anyone you want, who miles away from you, in a matter of sec be able to talk to them; guide to the destination you want by connecting to a satellite that is somewhere in space (GPS); used as a photo or video camera; serve as a wallet, and other small tools like alarm, calculator,… And all of it is in a size of a pocket, attached to you for the whole day. So few decades ago, a phone was something like if to solve a rocket science.

But certainly, the example with a phone was more like a necessity that businesses pushed us to have it. The demand for the phone was made-up by big businesses. In other words, we didn’t ask for it, we didn’t know how our lives would be change with it, and do we really need it. And thats how the Diderot effect* kicked off: after getting a phone we started buying additional tools for it, and still do.

So now, the demand for virtual or AI tech tools to replicate friends, partners, and child is created more by us — man itself. The tech tool that programmed to our likes and wants so we would not fight with our partner or friend or kid. How would we ? If we picked all the characteristic we wanted for them. No one to complain or counter your view on things… might be nice to have and at the sam time weird, and even boring to be surrounded by folk that agrees with you the whole time. Bet this is not the issue for so isolated introverts; the same-mind agreeing for everything, would rise the confidence and superiority for those ones who avoid social circles. Basically those AI tools give an illusion of power, like the dating apps driving by our illusion of choice. 

*Diderot effect — possession leads to a spiral of consumption. Is about a chain reaction leading to one buying more and more things…Basically purchasing a one new chair for a room would make you feel that you should upgrade ( buy) other things to match that chair.
Yeah this one THIS ONE kindergarten for AI or Virtual kids! Absurd thing or near future? I go for second choice. 

Man + Robots +...= Future?

Well, to confirm any hypothesis about the “Man with Robots” realtionship we don’t need to wait years, the examples and practical results of it right there —  in Japan! Well, in South Korea too but not as vigorously as its happening in Japan.

In the country of Samurais, Sumo fighters, Geisha culture, Seafood masters, World’s Sushi bringers, Anime makers,…oh gosh, what else are they known for? Tech gurus, Kamikazes, Nuclear war survivors,..  I listed many things and all makes me think of how this nation used to bide complete different things in one bucket and still hold this image of disciplined emotionless work-hard beings? Where one can be an anime fan and Sumo fighter at once.

No wonder that the choice to live and spend time with robots for them is like a casually chatting with a friend over a drink — something special, fun, and at the same time very normal. Many Japanese do say that it is more convenient for them to deal…um, to have a romantic relationship with robots and they see more advantages in it, than other way around. 

So what are those advantages:

  • They don’t complain
  • They don’t spend money on silly things, But surely their so-called master (the owner of the robot/doll/AI tool) also dripping coins when buying the clothes online for their partner, the robot. Virtual clothes as like an update for your game character
  • And the biggest advantage of it all is —TADAaam, robot can be turned off any time. Oh, surely knowing that, I cant compete with robot then. 

Many people from from all over the world are also would be in a Q to get one of those robots if only they could buy it online and anonymously. Including EU states, Russia and China who are more about the “anonymous” factor especially when purchasing something for self use (+18).  

“Touché touché mate”: what are those goods that only bought “anonymous”. Wish to give more insight on it in the next post…

Quick remark, I’m still talking about robots that are made in 21st century.  

what Authorities do about it?

Er,… ok, so as far as I see they… sponsoring that new trend: helping to upgrade a visual appearance of all tech tools, from kitchen stuff to business inventory. To their point , robots need an attractive look, with very cute and beautiful face that is likely to replicate human features to its max. Even with wrinkles!

Yeah, seems like they are helping to keep that course, a headway of a “lonely” existence. 

Yes, they noticed the shrinking tendency...: more space on the roads and parking got breezier. Yes “less people more air”, guess they would want to say that, to consider the size of the country and the recent loss of the territory on the Kuril’s islands*, but if not the drastic recession that country is going now, due to the rising gap between death and birth rate

On my behalf, I think it’s fair to say for now (21st century) Japan is focally the land of grandpas and grandmas. No offence, it’s a privileged ageing group, but that group would not help Japan in high-tech advancement and stand beside the world leaders. And plus this group lives on government support (pension) that comes from taxes that younger population pays. So it’s pretty much the effect of colander, as I call it : when the water runs it runs to every hole. Japan’s bashing from economic and demographic decline resonates with the wide swath of other nationalities that boarder them…but that’s another story to tell. 

New alternatives and formats of living brings up new words that you might have heard if you ever been in Japan, or I assume some would be also used in South Korea.

A lil upgrade on your Japan’s dictionary… 

MADOGIWAZOKU _ a person that sitting next to the window .. all they do waiting for the retirement. 

YUURESHA —ghost person, always sits in front of the computer… 

HIKOKOMORI — isolated lifestyle, the growing trend.

FUTUKO —  who leaves the school and become the Hikokomori after.

P.s. Pard me if I spelled any of this wrong. 

*Kuril Islands dispute, since 2022 Russia blocked the access to Kuril Islands… ok ok, Japan might have some “access exceptions” but Im not aware of it.
Meanwhile in South Korea…dating + marriage + kids + school = TOTAL RIP OFF or that’s the life meaning? 
More and more Japanese young adults chose “online” love relationship, with cyber girlfriend/ boyfriend, robots, coded program as a lifetime partner… Good idea ?But I would wonder how they… um, and do they??Ah better to skip that.   
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