17 Jun Military Drive
What better could explain that ongoing military drive than the 20th century’s mess — well, here talking about, um both, bizarre ALWAYS REMEMBERED tragic EVENTS — the World War I ( 1914-1918) and the World War II ( 1941-1945).
On top of that, the Imperial regime that weakened so much with Nicholas II (reigned 1894 – 1917), and came to its end with the Civil war (1914). So this rolled…um, so Krugerish* of me to tell you the back story on that Civil War and its triggers in a few words, but maybe you can slightly sketch it out a bit.
Dunning-Kruger effect — overestimate own ability whereas its basically an average. In slang –“too cocky”
Solders protests , Nikolai II on the battle field , start of revolution, mourning for victims Feb.Rev…and tanks
Start picturing that…: the withdrawal of Red army troops in the World War I. That “pull back” command for those folks that were in epicentre of the war zone with country’s alliances ( Triple Entente — Russia, Great Britain, France) was so easy sold on paper — “withdrew the troops, regrouped and relocated for other fights“. That withdrawal was far from simple, exactly the opposite, loosing many men on a retreat; while moving back, leaving their secret positions, watching other men resting in a dugout, fell wounded and died in the trenches.
But even if some solders managed to smoothly withdrew from the “blood and dirt” war zone, the emotional and physical challenge hammered them afterward; Coming back home and start turning guns at each other,– at your mates that you were helping out or been rescued by — and all just coz you support different govern. party (White party vs Red Bolshevik party). What’s more, at times when the horrors of the 1st World War were still fresh in the spotlight.
Huh, surely, living in that realm you quickly forget if there is any “love” “hope” “freedom” “faith” “unity” “friendship” that you suppose to fight for, against those who dare to take it from you (as so sold-told by media); For you those life meaning terms just sticked as words on the street posters, thrown soundly, kept at the back of your mind — the mind — that forced to be focused on the one and only one meaning — fight for a national pride. Basically, — in more sense — battle with those who pointing guns at you, who dare to take your land for sake of their own power.
Full of blood and dust — no one romanticised the meaning of those battles, the WWI and WWII. Afterwards, for the World War II Soviet forces were expecting big losses, long and dreadful fight(s) knowing how catastrophic was the WWI for them and now buckle-up with more advanced weapons, including faster and efficient tanks, massive and equipped marine ships, and newly settled ‘cover’ in the air (military planes) — pfff no doubt those upgraded arms would took more lives than the old-fashioned weapons in the WWI.
Yes, overall the first half of the 20th century in Russia turned into a bloodbath, with about…um less than an hour of living expectancy on average — no biggy, might be wrong — millions and millions of dead, wether stubbed, shotted, burned, drowned, or gas poisoned…well, did I mentioned it all?!
And so, due to all of this, inked above — solely about the past — Russia was… is… and will be military oriented state
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