Spoiler alert! Movie script (worldwide)

Drama /Romance

Will they get back together?

Ah one of those questions bugs me after watching some movies or series. After all, getting more silly ideas about the script, looking for similarities to real life, creating own logical or non sense ending.

But one is known and you can bet me on it…:

No matter how separated distant they[main characters] are from each other the moral statement would be about how love wins.


To reject the feelings and live happily ever after would never be filmed. If some movie director would dare to show such story, there would be not much folks to watch. It’s if it passes the “checking point” (ahem, further to be mentioned). Not saying that heartbreaking ‘for good’ stories are not happening in real life, when two madly in love in the end separated and loving each other silently till they die. Sad, tear-jerking to think of it even while writing it…er, maybe thats the pepper from cooking, semi skilled chief is right here!

Anyway, back to the story. Yeah sure this “breakup and suffer-ever-after “ happens outside of our apartment door, in our families , with us …ugh hopefully this would pass you and me. But its not what you would wish to see on the screen after long working day, thinking to see smth fun OR WATCH something that would cheer you up, something that would “take your brain out “ — nicely speaking — from this stressful reality, um from bills-to-pay reality. 


"... true story" or "Once upon..."

“BASED on the true story” or “Once upon a time…”

What would you prefer? Ah I bet you would pick the first “…true story” just for the sake of being real but not for the fact of enjoying this movie.  Or maybe for thinking that made-up story choice won’t make you look good; kiddish, not an adult pick.

Let’s briefly compare, if taking the drama… drama genre. In real life breakup are often long -term, regretful but usually never healed, whatsoever upsetting. And when those two separated love birds about to die, all they regret is to not being together, mad at themselves and at life that took them apart. So who want to see that on the screen and go through their pain…Only if in the final chapter they would grow back together, but in other case scenario spectators would just hate those two characters, calling them cowards, idiots who lack any capability to work things out and rather go for a nonsense self- sacrifice. WHAT THE F*… Folks would loath how much time they spent on this, on watching those helpless pricks that only do is to making things harder, changing their mind like a croupier shuffling cards, and play dumb back-straight bragging for taking-on their miserable fate for others to be happy. What a blab!

Mentioned above is a classic reaction after watching many “self-suffering” movies, which are so popular in Turkish, Russian, Indian, S.Korean, Chinese movies… To different levels. Could say in Turkish that is now swinging and posting premier after premier movie/series and broadcasting it abroad, has a habit to not give much matters to words, which is very pathetic to watch especially for countries that go with “think before say”  like Russia and China. If you are Turkish movie director or a politician – huh very close careers with one in common — then now you know why you might lose your audience in Russia.  

Upsetting, if to say nothing. Personally, for me its like a fiasco when I happened to watch those kind of “based on real life” or “once upon a time…” movies that twisting the plot back and forth, words has no matter — taken back anytime, and has no way out or hope to look at things positively.  Not exaggerating. Thinking of giving my time for this story and worrying about characters but in the end just seeing something stupid, yeah stupid post scriptum: lack of substance.

Yeah in written scenarios “once upon a time…” is unlikely to be ‘punishing’ to watch. There are more chances that the final would be with happy-ending or something that bubble you up and give you a way to fantasise that story in your life.

*”once upon a time…” — all written scenarios that arre not based on a true story: fairytales, stories, fantasies, comics,  and other just exciting plot. 
Um, the end of the ‘GOT’ final season? Classic movie night with your friends watching…The ending ruined the whole impression!  Why the top ranking movies/ movie series often crumpled after launching last episode?

The goal is...

The effect of  “live up to the characters’ lives”, indirectly , is one of those goals, the #1 for any movie director: whenever we relate, or want to relate to those movie figures without thinking how true is that script at first sight. Surely we don’t focus what’s true and what’s not, based on real life or made-up scenes. We more to appreciate a good ending for loving characters and thats goes to the written made-up screen play. 

In a moment we just forget this is just a story that shown on tv, movie platform, to a public — to us, people —, and therefore MUST to hold a certain narrative that lies with social values, lessons that suppose to sink into our heads. Not because directors or screen writers are so keen to teach us how to live, it’s more backing on a standard state approve that keeps an eye on what nation(s) watch and what kind of ideas are send to them, daily.  Including, leaning heavily on state’s positive image (propaganda) to win more tourists abroad. Ah, very classic way to cave that ‘sticky’ interest to your culture, remotely.  I call it, a Hollywood style : create an image to anything that all would want to link themselves to — to a land :“dreams come true”, “live, laugh , love”; to its people: “strong and powerful nation” , “fight for human rights”…, + add beautiful people and breathtaking landscapes on camera.     


When it comes to drama movies: Pathetic life of two that decided to gave up on their love and for the rest of lives be with other people just because they couldn’t find another way to their ‘real’ soulmates, is not what should be told to people. It is negative, pathetic, flicking a panicking thought of life being meaningless. Is it not?  It’s basically telling us ‘Hey, don’t fight for your love’, ‘Gave up’, ‘You would be happy with another one, or on your own’ . A reckless stance without respect and responsibilities for own words and deeds, lil or none values — TOTALLY wrong message to the public:

  • ‘…don’t fight for your love’, What’s that? Pathetically sending a task to just “let it be”, go on with your life and don’t care much, LOVE is just love, the next one will be somewhere around the corner, no need to stick with one. Thats how we would get an idea of polygamy, fooling around, what would never be approve in society (especially in the East);
  • ‘…time would heal, …with another one , or alone’, so this tells us no matter how badly you were in love and what you felt, it would be shortly forgotten and no worries, more soulmates for you out there, just open your door, and yeah surely, you can be more than happy by yourself. Hey, pard my language but sexual chronic infections and demographical issues might come from those mentioned terms. Besides propounding a mental toughness (forget and move on), which in this precisely context lies with fear to fail — in my view it shows more weakness and low self esteem.

Overall, all examples are weakening the mean of family and love: Saying that ‘LOVE would not save the world’. SO here comes to us, do we really think that any movie that brings such narrative would go flashy, smoothly, with the authority checks, the “prove and confirm” point before reaching us, an audience?

When I say  a “wrong message” I mean that its not approved by government,  by certain men and ladies in suit on the top chairs, who manage interests and norms of society by sponsoring those movies, events, projects, festivals, and so on.


Prove and confirm

Culture and the values that country pursue, Kremlin, White House, Tiananmen Square and other Parliament’s upper chairs, care what ideas their nation carry on. Anything that would doubt a power of friendship, love meaning, family values, national pride, good outcomes of honesty (that should always prevail over lies), — would not be accepted for a screen writing, movie making.

Exceptions might only be for a “based on a true story “ but there also should be something to balance negative context, for fact to round, to show a ‘light’ a hope in our harsh reality. 

Love wins — the main idea in any movie. No matter how hard both reject it, trying to hide it, and distract themselves with other stuff and building new relationships, the feeling that you had with your soulmate would not be replaced, your true love would find you and life itself would bring you back together. Again that’s not necessarily happens in real life as we have many obstacles but we as beings, sensed to what surrounds us and maintain our values based on other’s lives, we need to believe that we will find or reunite with our loved ones. Yea yeah sponge your tears, how romantically I finished this post. 

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