Cost of words


Positive, patriotic news for many dwellers, who just randomly glued eyes on the news, is like the world’s peace treaty “YO! Now is about love-laugh-live parades!? Whoop Whoop! “, yeah, and swiftly change to sports or another drama series.

“live-laugh-love” or  “laugh-live-love” aaah anyway….

In the reality, people behind the table or the poll just read what was written for them to say the “safe” “moral” “everybody-would-like” words and go eat lunch, thinking of another investment or debit their savings, and… a holiday trip… definitely get on a trip– well deserved! Yeah, standard, classic, no one would even think of challenging them — for hypocrisy or indifference — enjoying their time while their words never bring any kind of peace to the rest of the world… If to pin point on the round table figures (representatives), they are usually not so empathetic personas, and therefore it’s quite staggering and bothering to know who is raising a final call on very concerning the world changing topics. 

Perhaps indeed, there are some who really worried about escalation in the Middle East, immigration policies, situation at the conflict zones, and they do fight for the “silent voices” when preparing their text, and surely a big  thanks for that! 

Bit of my giving-credits gesture, to some who does work for sake of others, who they represent, and not putting everyone in the same bucket. But the number of those kind might equal to…the #my fans ( which is close to zero). Here the key word is “might” so don’t take this statement as a known fact.

 Knowing fact is… for the media and decision making offices is more convenient to run the same kind of speech, to hit the same target audience and go along with the principal of ” what’s repeated won’t be forgotten”or “ keep persuading the idea over and over again and you would start believing in it”… Here COPY & PASTE — would never get old! 

Find the odd one out… LOL Would guess firs would be picked the “climate change”, just really for its ZERO weight in US elections… Well, anything listed is just “to mention to win election” 

More to encounter...?

We exist in the world where the global politics are twisting its ends constantly, and speaking the truth is not allied with the Overton’s window.  Something unimaginable to say in public is a “NO GO” as everything suppose to be “acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time”(official meaning of the Overton’s window).

But as Solzhenitsyn, a Russian author and Soviet dissident, said : “…they know that we know that they know they are lying but they are still lying”. Standard way of doing things like saying “Good morning” and “Bone appetite”. Ok, I starting to sound quite opinionated, which is annoying, so you can skip some of those phrases.

The tendency of not giving much value to the words is too obscure and now to absurd knowing that you don’t hold any responsibility when opening your mouth, even if you are at the top management position; Today you reject, tomorrow asking for forgiveness, blaming others who dared to face you. Like I have seen so many times — “I/we didn’t do it”, and on the next day “ok, maybe there was smth like that, but I forgot about it as now we need to focus on other issues… more important issues”.



Meanwhile, somewhere in Syria: 

Bet someone fail to score cheap political points … forgetting that American troops were and still are (at the moment of their debates) in Syria, in Iraq, in the Red Sea… some of what i know, might be some in Sudan that is always at war.

Reaching the level when the apologies are not even needed anymore… ‘past due’ something that everyone does and so its like “take it easy if you caught me speaking crap”… pard my language. And you would be surprise how many folks are ok with it, just used to it.

But to me this cool-story-bro reaction from folks to this ‘fake-till-make’ stage speeches lead to scary reality when we tolerate everything we hear, discrediting the matter of truth. Totally lowering the trust in anything and anybody . 

The hardest and upsetting point of it all is that you can’t do much about it. It’s out of your control but the consequences of their words would hit right at you. Ironically, at you more, than at them.

In Canada, in parliament  held a special guest that caused so much media trouble, to force apologies who ever clapped in that hall including their deal Canadian “golden boy” PM Trudeau, for lacking any knowledge on the history. Good of an example of a sloppy job, if to say nothing, to bring whatever speaker they could find, whoever could speak against Russia. 
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