Old Enemies, New Friends

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New cooperation that shook the world… again. Moscow and Washington (2025) Philippines making a defence pack, building an alliance, ahem, millitary alliance with Japan?After all what was done in 20th century between them? Too scared of China or … What is that if not Hegel’s…

New cooperation that shook the world… again. Moscow and Washington (2025)

Philippines making a defence pack, building an alliance, ahem, millitary alliance with Japan?After all what was done in 20th century between them? Too scared of China or … What is that if not Hegel’s point of not learning from history or they just follow the Confucius’s forgiveness theory? 

The West keep imposing new sanctions agains the East. Eastern nations straighten ties and making new alliances. Turkey might restore ties with Syria. How would they do it tho with their core issues? Saudi Arabia and Iran have ended a diplomatic rift and looking for regional stability in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.

China and Peru upgraded a FTA (free trade agreement). Japan with South Korea and US aim to boost their strategic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region…well quite expected turn. Tough time — Russia vs US and it will not get easy for the next decade, as I think. 

2023 year –  ft.com , rt.com